
I’ve had a huge challenge placed before me this week: forgive someone that I don’t want to forgive and whom I don’t think deserves my forgiveness.

How selfish can I be?  Do I ever deserve the forgiveness of my Savior?  No.  I deserve the thorns He had shoved onto His head for my sake.  I hurt Him over and over – I spit in His face, I choose everyone else but Him, I put Him last…I do everything other than what I should do.  And yet He still forgives me.

But I still can’t forgive her.  I say she doesn’t deserve it.  I say she hurt me too much.  I say it’s easier to hold onto all of it and be bitter and angry with her.  And all of those things are true.  She doesn’t deserve my forgiveness.  She did hurt me more than words could ever describe.  It would be easier to hold onto it all and be bitter and angry.  It would’ve been easier for Christ to do the same to me.  And yet He forgives me.

It’s time for me to follow in His footsteps, walking where He walks and forgiving as He forgives.

Jesus, give me the strength to forgive her.  Match my heart with Yours so that I have the desire to forgive her.  Help me never to forget the power of Your forgiveness.  Thank You for taking the thorns that I deserved.

~ by dailysurrenderings on September 26, 2008.

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